Upper Klamath Special Investment Partnership Accomplishments Summary Report

Document Details:

Title: Upper Klamath Special Investment Partnership Accomplishments Summary Report
Category: Technical Report
File: UKSIP_2016_0023_Accomplishments-Report.pdf
Updated Date: 23.12.2016
Author(s)/Source(s): Upper Klamath Special Investment Partnership, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Publication Date: 2016-Apr
Focal Topic: Water Quality, Salmon, Hydrology, Suckers, Water Temperature, Habitat Restoration
Location: Upper Klamath
Watershed Code: 18010206

In January 2012, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board authorized the Upper Klamath Special Investment Partnership (UKSIP). The overarching goal of the UKSIP is to contribute to chemical, thermal, and physical aquatic conditions that will benefit fish populations and water quality in the Upper Klamath Basin by reestablishing, improving, and sustaining the ecological and hydrologic connectivity of aquatic ecosystems. This report provides an overview of the progress made by the UKSIP from 2012 to 2015.

Keyword Tags:
suspended sediment, salmon