The Persistence and Characteristics of Chinook Salmon Migrations to the Upper Klamath River Prior to Exclusion by Dams

Document Details:

Title: The Persistence and Characteristics of Chinook Salmon Migrations to the Upper Klamath River Prior to Exclusion by Dams
Category: Academic Article
File: Hamilton-et-al_2016_0045_The-Persistence-and-Char-of-salmon-migrations.pdf
Updated Date: 04.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): John B. Hamilton, Dennis W. Rondorf, William R. Tinniswood, Ryan J. Leary, Tim Mayer, Charleen Gavette, and Lynne A. Casal
Publication Date: 2016
Focal Topic: Salmon, Upper Klamath
Location: Upper Klamath
Watershed Code: 18010206

Historical review substantiates the historical persistence of salmon, their migration characteristics, and the broad population baseline that will be key to future commercial, recreational, and Tribal fisheries in the
Upper Klamath River and beyond.

Keyword Tags:
fall chinoo, spring run chinook, iron gate reservoir