Structured Decision Making for the Selection of Surrogate Species: A Case Study in the Klamath River Watershed A Case Study...

Document Details:

Title: Structured Decision Making for the Selection of Surrogate Species: A Case Study in the Klamath River Watershed A Case Study...
Category: Technical Report
File: Athearn-et-al_2012_0334_Klamath-Surrogate-Species.pdf
Updated Date: 16.06.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Nicole Athearn, Daryl Van Dyke, Joel Shinn, Matt Barry, Rick Kearney, Steve Morey, William Kendall, Kurt Rinehart, Nancy Finley, Laurie Sada, Erin Williams, Gary Curtis, Jason Cox, Laura Finley, Nick Hetrick, Dave Mauser, Josh Rasmussen, Trisha Roninger
Publication Date: 2012-Apr
Focal Topic: Adaptive Management, Aquatic Habitat / Invertebrates / Insects, Habitat Restoration
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS; Service) released its Draft Guidance for Selecting Species for Design of Landscape-scale Conservation (hereafter Guidance; USFWS, 2012) in July 2012 to provide guidance for directing Strategic Habitat Conservation towards achieving and maintaining functional landscapes. Beginning in the summer of 2012, scientists and managers from three Klamath field offices in Arcata and Yreka, California and Klamath Falls, Oregon came together with those from the Klamath National Wildlife Refuge complex in Tulelake, California and the Pacific Southwest regional office in Sacramento, California to define conservation objectives for a functional landscape in the Klamath River watershed and to pilot a surrogate species selection process at a USFWS/USGS Structured Decision Making (SDM) workshop at the FWS National Conservation Training Center. Our workshop problem statement was: We are using the process of Strategic Habitat Conservation in conjunction with a surrogate species approach to develop innovative and strategic approaches to species and ecosystem conservation in the Klamath River watershed.

Keyword Tags:
Strategic Habitat Conservation, Structured Decision Making, Surrogate Species, Decision Analysis