NOAA - Southern Oregon Northern California Coast Coho Salmon Recovery Plan (SONCC)

Document Details:

Title: NOAA - Southern Oregon Northern California Coast Coho Salmon Recovery Plan (SONCC)
Category: Website
External URL:
Updated Date: 11.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Julie Weeder, NOAA
Publication Date: 2014-Sep-30
Focal Topic: Salmon, Aquatic Habitat / Invertebrates / Insects, Habitat Restoration
Location: Klamath Basin, Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

NOAA Fisheries released the final Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast (SONCC) Coho Salmon Recovery Plan on September 30, 2014. The goal of the plan is to restore SONCC coho salmon to healthy, self-sustaining numbers so that the protections of the Endangered Species Act are no longer necessary. Conservation partners have advanced many habitat restoration, barrier removal, and threat reduction actions since the species was listed in 1997, and the plan was developed with extensive input from these partners. The recovery plan provides a means to organize and coordinate recovery of this species based on the best available scientific information.

Keyword Tags:
NOAA, SONCC, spawning habitat, coho salmon