Salmon River Subbasin Restoration Strategy: Steps to Recovery and Conservation of Aquatic Resources

Document Details:

Title: Salmon River Subbasin Restoration Strategy: Steps to Recovery and Conservation of Aquatic Resources
Category: Technical Report
File: Elder-et-al_2002_0546_Salmon-River-Restoration-Strategy.pdf
Updated Date: 20.10.2021
Author(s)/Source(s): Don Elder, Brenda Olson, Alan Olson, Jim Villeponteaux, Peter Brucker
Publication Date: 2002-Sep-25
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Salmon, Dam Removal
Location: Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

This strategy aims to accelerate rehabilitation of watershed conditions within the Salmon River subbasin by targeting collaborative restoration and protection efforts at high priority drainages. Using an ecosystem-based foundation, the proposed approach focuses on restoring the biological, geologic and hydrologic processes which ultimately shape the quality of aquatic habitat within the subbasin. Building upon information gathered through watershed analyses, transportation planning documents (road access and travel management plans or roads analysis process), and other administrative investigations, this strategy articulates an action plan focused upon reduction of upslope hazards in drainages retaining high quality aquatic habitat and intact native fish communities. This approach embraces the philosophy that protection of healthy watersheds and initiating preventative actions where water resources are threatened provides the most cost-effective path to meeting anadromous fish recovery goals. Multi-year restoration objectives as well as recommendations on target watershed conditions are included in this action strategy. Implementation of this action plan will result in conditions, which leave the Salmon River subbasin less vulnerable to the adverse effects of future floods and severe wildfire. Comprehensive roads and fuels treatments, applied subbasin wide, are estimated to cost $48 million, emphasizing the critical need to employ a priority base strategy for future restoration investments.