Projected Restoration Actions and Associated Costs Under the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement for the Upper Klamath River Basin Above Keno, Oregon

Document Details:

Title: Projected Restoration Actions and Associated Costs Under the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement for the Upper Klamath River Basin Above Keno, Oregon
Category: Formal Agreement
File: Barry-et-al_2010_0487_KBRA_restoration_actions.pdf
Updated Date: 12.10.2018
Author(s)/Source(s): Matthew Barry, Sue Mattenberger, Larry Dunsmoor, Shannon Peterson, Danette Watson
Publication Date: 2010-Jul-30
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Upper Klamath
Location: Upper Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

We outlined projected restoration activities for the Upper Klamath River Basin (above Keno), focusing on the geographic scope identified in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA). Elements of the KBRA budget (Appendix C-2) covered here include row numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 90. These activities are intended to improve conditions affecting fish production, survival, and recovery in and above Keno Reservoir and Upper Klamath Lake, with an emphasis on valley-floor rivers and streams. Consequently, areas targeted for these activities are predominately privately-owned, but some publicly managed lands are included. In addition to providing direct benefits to the Upper Klamath Basin, the significant improvements to water quality and nutrient/organic loads expected to result from these actions will benefit the Klamath River for many miles downstream of Keno.
• We did not prioritize restoration activities. Instead, we identified suites of activities by sub-basin that will be fed into the process producing the Phase I Fisheries Restoration Plan under KBRA Section 10.1, which will finalize and prioritize Phase I habitat restoration actions. The Phase I plan will also be informed by an extensive evaluation of past restoration projects that is presently under way, a product of funding by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
• Restoration activities and associated costs listed in this document represent the consolidated knowledge
and opinions of many Klamath Basin professionals.

Keyword Tags:
Restoration Agreement, Restoration Actions,