Pacific lamprey recolonization of a Pacific Northwest river following dam removal

Document Details:

Title: Pacific lamprey recolonization of a Pacific Northwest river following dam removal
Category: Academic Article
File: Jolley-et-al_2017_0531_Pacific-lamprey-recolonization-of-a-PNW-river-following-dam-removal.pdf
Updated Date: 03.09.2020
Author(s)/Source(s): J.C. Jolley, G.S. Silver, J.E. Harris, T.A. Whitesel
Publication Date: 2017-Sep-01
Focal Topic: Other threatened fishes
Location: United States

Recolonization of Pacific lampreys Entosphenus tridentatus into historically used freshwater habitats in the United States Pacific Northwest was evaluated in the White Salmon River basin after removal of Condit Dam. Pacific lamprey population declines are of concern, and passage barrier removal is often recommended for conservation. Condit Dam on the White Salmon River in Washington was a complete barrier to fish migrating upstream for nearly 100 years, was breached in 2011, and was removed by 2012. Distribution of larval Pacific lampreys was estimated before and after removal of Condit Dam using either backpack or deepwater electrofishing. Larval detection probabilities were calculated for the basin, and sample efforts were refined to ensure at least 80% confidence that larvae were absent when not detected. Pacific lampreys were not present upstream of Condit Dam before it was removed but were present in areas downstream of the dam. After dam removal, Pacific lamprey larvae were collected upstream of the former dam site from four reaches of the mainstem White Salmon River, indicating a recent recolonization event. Pacific lampreys were absent from the river mouth area before the dam was removed but were found in newly created habitat at the mouth after dam removal. Pacific lampreys naturally recolonized the White Salmon River basin within a few years after dam removal. Removing dams and providing passage opportunity can allow Pacific lampreys to distribute into vacant areas and may help reverse population declines.

Keyword Tags:
dam removal, detection probability, Entosphenus, occupancy sampling, Pacific lamprey, recolonization