Mid-term Evaluation Of The Klamath River Basin Fisheries Restoration Program

Document Details:

Title: Mid-term Evaluation Of The Klamath River Basin Fisheries Restoration Program
Category: Technical Report
File: Kierassoc_1999_0236_Mid-term-Evaluation-Of-The-Klamath-River.pdf
Updated Date: 17.05.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Kier Associates
Publication Date: 1999-Apr
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Water Quality, Water Temperature, Salmon, Steelhead/Rainbow Trout
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102

This Mid-term Evaluation Of The Klamath River Basin Fisheries Restoration Program is the first in-depth evaluation of the Program since its launch in 1987. It may be the most comprehensive evaluation of any large-scale Pacific salmon restoration program undertaken to date. The two-state Klamath River basin covers ten million acres. Of that area the Klamath Fisheries Restoration Program addresses nearly 3,000,000 watershed

This evaluation covers not only the biological, but the institutional and political aspects of the Program. The evaluation employs a number of methods, including the use of the Program’s administrative databases, interviews of Program participants, field evaluation of the Program’s restoration projects, and the use of information concerning other, comparable Pacific Coast fisheries restoration programs. The evaluation results are presented in the same order as they appear in the evaluation workplan, with each of the following chapters covering one of the workplan’s nine basic tasks. A tenth chapter, an evaluation of both large and small hatchery operations in the Klamath basin, was developed at the request of the Klamath River Fish and Wildlife Office (KRFWO).

Keyword Tags:
Restoration Program, Fish Management, Upper Basin Amendment, Salmon, Green sturgeon, Habitat Protection,