Metabolism, Swimming Performance, and Tissue Biochemistry of High Desert Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ssp.): Evidence for Phenotypic Differences in Physiological Function
Title: Metabolism, Swimming Performance, and Tissue Biochemistry of High Desert Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ssp.): Evidence for Phenotypic Differences in Physiological Function
Category: Academic Article
File: Gamperl-et-al_2002_0175_Metabolism-Swimming-Performance.pdf
Updated Date: 27.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): A. Kurt Gamperl, Kenneth J. Rodnick, Heather A. Faust, Emilee C. Venn, Max T. Bennett, Larry I. Crawshaw, Ernest R. Keeley, Madison S. Powell, Hiram W. Li
Publication Date: 2002-Oct-23
Focal Topic: Redband Trout, Water Temperature
Location: United States
Redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ssp.) in southeastern Oregon inhabit high-elevation streams that exhibit extreme variability in seasonal flow and diel water temperature. Given the strong influence and potential limitations exerted by temperature on fish physiology, we were interested in how acute temperature change and thermal history influenced the physiological capabilities and biochemical characteristics of these trout. To this end, we studied wild redband trout inhabiting two streams with different thermal profiles by measuring (1) critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and oxygen consumption in the field at 12 and 24C; (2) biochemical indices of energy metabolism in the heart, axial white skeletal muscle, and blood; and (3) temperature preference in a laboratory thermal gradient. Further, we also examined genetic and morphological characteristics of fish from these two streams.
Keyword Tags:Redband trout, metabolism,