Klamath Watershed District Stock Status Review of Native Fish

Document Details:

Title: Klamath Watershed District Stock Status Review of Native Fish
Category: Technical Report
File: 2016_0169_Klamath-Watershed-District-Stock-Status.pdf
Updated Date: 20.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Bruce Eddy, Chip Dale, Elizabeth Osier Moats, William Tinniswood
Publication Date: 2016-Jan
Focal Topic: Steelhead/Rainbow Trout, Salmon, Suckers, Other threatened fishes, Redband Trout
Location: Lost River, Upper Klamath, Upper North Fork, Lower North Fork, Lower South Fork, Williamson River, Wood River, Sprague - Sycan, Middle Sprague
Watershed Code: 18010206

This is a technical report summarizing the status of stocks in various sub-basins of the Klamath River watershed (Oregon sub-basins only).

Keyword Tags:
Oregon, bull trout, Jenny Creek sucker, Lost River sucker, Millker Lake lamprey, redband trout, Pit-Klamath brook lamprey, Shortnose sucker, Slender sculpin, Upper Klamath Lake lamprey