Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force

Document Details:

Title: Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force
Category: Website
External URL: https://www.fws.gov/yreka/taskforce.html
Updated Date: 10.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): U.S. Fish & Wildlfie Service, Task Force members
Publication Date: 2017
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Salmon
Location: Mid Klamath, Lower Klamath, Shasta River, Scott River
Watershed Code: 18010209

This website links to the Klamath River Fisheries Task Force website. The Klamath Act expired on October 1, 2006, and was not reauthorized by Congress. The funding for this program was eliminated and the charter was discontinued. The information on this site is provided for reference. Links to prior reports and meeting minutes are available, along with the Task Force charter.

Keyword Tags:
coho, Chinook, steelhead, habitat restoration