Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative Database (KBFC Database)
Document Details:
Title: Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative Database (KBFC Database)
Category: Website
External URL: https://www.kbfishc.org/aboutkbfc/
Updated Date: 03.10.2023
Author(s)/Source(s): KBFC
Publication Date: 2023
Focal Topic: Salmon, Monitoring Programs, Suckers, Other threatened fishes
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
Title: Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative Database (KBFC Database)
Category: Website
External URL: https://www.kbfishc.org/aboutkbfc/
Updated Date: 03.10.2023
Author(s)/Source(s): KBFC
Publication Date: 2023
Focal Topic: Salmon, Monitoring Programs, Suckers, Other threatened fishes
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
PIT Tagging, KRB, KBFC
The KBFC is replacing the 2017 Klamath River Basin (KRB) PIT Tagging Database with a new standardized and structured database system. The upcoming database will enable efficient data sharing among many entities located throughout the Klamath Basin to assess the impacts of water and fisheries management, ecosystem restoration efforts, and impending dam removal on multiple fish species in the Klamath Basin.
The Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative Database (KBFC Database) has continual updates.
Keyword Tags:PIT Tagging, KRB, KBFC