Kitimat Modernization Project Sulphur Dioxide Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Program Plan for 2013 to 2018. and Sulphur Dioxide Technical Assessment Report in Support of the 2013 Application to Amend the P2-00001 Multimedia Permit Kitimat Modernization Project Volume 2: Technical Report

Document Details:

Title: Kitimat Modernization Project Sulphur Dioxide Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Program Plan for 2013 to 2018. and Sulphur Dioxide Technical Assessment Report in Support of the 2013 Application to Amend the P2-00001 Multimedia Permit Kitimat Modernization Project Volume 2: Technical Report
Category: Technical Report
File: Aherne_et_al_2014_0387_Rio-Tinto_AM-plan_SO2-report.pdf
Updated Date: 27.07.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): ESSA Technologies, J. Laurence, Limnotek, Risk Sciences International, Trent University, Trinity Consultants, Dr. John Laurence,
Publication Date: 2014-Oct-07
Focal Topic: Adaptive Management

This document describes the modeling and monitoring that is planned for the next six years (2013 to 2018) under the sulphur dioxide (SO2) Environmental Effects Monitoring Program for the Kitimat Modernization Project, and thresholds for increased monitoring or mitigation if warranted based on the monitoring results. Rio Tinto Alcan will implement SO2 mitigation strategies if the outcomes of monitoring and modeling described in this plan show adverse impacts causally related to SO2 that are considered to be unacceptable.

The EEM Program is specific to SO2 emissions from KMP. Non-SO2 KMP emissions, emissions and impacts from other facilities, and research and development of new indicators or monitoring methods are all outside of the scope of the EEM Program. The plan distinguishes two types of indicators: key performance indicators (KPIs) which will have quantitative thresholds for increased monitoring or for mitigation, and informative indicators which will provide evidence in support of key performance indicators.

Keyword Tags:
Adaptive Management, Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Environmental Effects Monitoring Program, Indicators and Thresholds, Atmospheric pathways, Human Health, Mitigation,