Karuk Department of Natural Resources Strategic Plan for Organizational Development
Title: Karuk Department of Natural Resources Strategic Plan for Organizational Development
Category: Technical Report
File: Rocha_2015_0309_Karuk-DNR-Strategic-Plan.pdf
Updated Date: 19.05.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): Megan Rocha, Karuk Department of Natural Resources
Publication Date: 2015-Sep
Focal Topic: Salmon, Water Quality, Habitat Restoration, Aquatic Habitat / Invertebrates / Insects
Location: Mid Klamath
Watershed Code: 18010209
The Karuk Department of Natural Resources has completed a strategic planning process to address organizational needs focused on staffing capacity and infrastructure. This planning process has involved all management-level staff within the Department to ensure all program area needs can be adequately addressed and the expertise of staff could be leveraged. DNR has grown tremendously since inception in 1989, from a single employee to a department that has exceeded a hundred (100) employees during wildland fire events. This plan provides a strategy-based approach to reorganize the existing capacity in a manner that enhances efficiencies and opportunities for synergy. This includes structural reorganization at both programmatic and staffing levels. The outcome is three (3) Branches within the Department: a) Administrative Operations and Development; b) Eco-Cultural Revitalization; and c) Watersheds, as well as Programs within each that can address identified programmatic and functional areas. Moreover, this plan provides a clear path for projected growth and development based on identified needs and opportunities, both for staffing and infrastructure. Infrastructure needs and growth at a centralized location in Orleans has been developed into a Master Site Plan, preliminary design renderings, a cost estimate that can be used to pursue facilities funding development. With this plan, the Karuk Department of Natural Resources has taken a proactive and inclusive approach to develop a strategy-based plan for the next five (5) years that will allow for the Mission of the Department to be met in a more comprehensive manner.
Keyword Tags:Strategic Plan, Action Plan, Evaluation Plan, Karuk Tribal Council, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Enforcement/Regulation, Environmental Education, Environmental Justice, Fisheries, Watershed Restoration, Water Quality