Draft Business Plan for the Upper Klamath Basin

Document Details:

Title: Draft Business Plan for the Upper Klamath Basin
Category: Policy Report
External URL: http://www.nfwf.org/upperklamath/Documents/Upper_Klamath_Biz_Plan.pdf
Updated Date: 10.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Publication Date: 2008
Focal Topic: Habitat Restoration, Upper Klamath
Location: Upper Klamath
Watershed Code: 18010203

In the context of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s conservation efforts, the Upper Klamath business plan represents the strategies necessary to meet the conservation goals of Keystone and other initiatives.
The plan emphasizes the type(s) and magnitude of the benefits that will be realized through the initiative, the monetary costs involved, and the potential obstacles (risks) to achieving those gains. Each of the Foundation’s business plans has three core elements: (1) Conservation Outcomes: A concrete description of the outcomes to which the Foundation and grantees will hold ourselves accountable. (2) Implementation Plan with Strategic Priorities and Performance Measures: A description of the specific strategies that are needed to achieve our conservation outcome and the quantitative measures by which we will measure success and make it possible to
adaptively revise strategies in the face of underperformance, and (3) Funding and Resource Needs: An analysis of the financial, human and organizational resources needed to carry out these activities.
Six partners have been working together to develop and implement this Upper Klamath Basin Keystone Initiative: the Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust, the Klamath Tribes, the Klamath Watershed Partnership, the Nature Conservancy, Sustainable Northwest and the US Fish & Wildlife Service. We are in the process of integrating other natural resource agencies and organizations in the Basin, including the US Bureau of Reclamation, the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, the Klamath Soil & Water Conservation District and Ducks Unlimited. Implementation will not be limited to the listed entities. As the Business and Strategic Plans are developed, we expect other organizations will participate in both their design and execution.

Keyword Tags:
Upper Klamath basin