Definite Plan for the Lower Klamath Project

Document Details:

Title: Definite Plan for the Lower Klamath Project
Category: Technical Report, Website
External URL:
Updated Date: 17.09.2018
Author(s)/Source(s): KRRC, Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Publication Date: 2018-Jun-28
Focal Topic: Dam Removal, Dam Operations, Hatcheries, Water Quality, Lower Klamath
Location: Lower Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

The Definite Plan for the Lower Klamath Project prepared by the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC) implements the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (2010, as amended 2016) (KHSA). The KHSA resolved disputes among numerous parties regarding the relicensing of the Klamath Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2082) (KHP). The parties include: U.S. Departments of Interior and Commerce; States of California and Oregon; Humboldt County, California; Yurok and Karuk Tribes; Upper Klamath Water Users Association; conservation and fishing groups; and PacifiCorp, as the licensee for the KHP.

In the KHSA, the parties agreed to a process whereby PacifiCorp and a dam removal entity, now KRRC, would apply to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to split the KHP into two projects, the KHP and the Lower Klamath Project, and proceed with the actions necessary to achieve dam removal, a free-flowing condition on the Klamath River, and volitional fish passage. The KHP was constructed between 1911 and 1962 and includes eight developments: East Side, West Side, Keno (non-generating), J.C. Boyle, Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, Fall Creek, and Iron Gate. PacifiCorp operated the KHP under a 50-year license issued by FERC, until the license expired in 2006. PacifiCorp continues to operate the developments under an annual license.

In September 2016, PacifiCorp and KRRC submitted an application to FERC to amend the existing license for the KHP, establish an original license for the Lower Klamath Project consisting of four developments (J.C. Boyle, Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, and Iron Gate), and transfer the original license for the Lower Klamath Project to the KRRC. At that time, the KRRC also applied to surrender the license for the Lower Klamath Project, including removal of the four developments. Now that the applications have been filed, KRRC is moving forward with the Definite Plan in accordance with Section 7.2 of the KHSA.

Keyword Tags:
Definite Plan, Dam Operations, Dam Removal, Water Quality,