David A Hewitt, Ph.D. - research and monitoring program for two endangered catostomids in the Upper Klamath Basin of Oregon and California.

Document Details:

Title: David A Hewitt, Ph.D. - research and monitoring program for two endangered catostomids in the Upper Klamath Basin of Oregon and California.
Category: Website
External URL: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/david-a-hewitt?qt-staff_profile_science_products=3#qt-staff_profile_science_products
Updated Date: 16.05.2019
Author(s)/Source(s): David A Hewitt, Ph.D.
Publication Date: 2019
Focal Topic: Suckers, Monitoring Programs
Location: Upper Klamath
Watershed Code: 180102

David A Hewitt, primarily helps to guide a research and monitoring program for two endangered catostomids in the Upper Klamath Basin of Oregon and California. We use quantitative tools such as capture-recapture to investigate the ecology of the species and factors inhibiting their recovery. Technology for detection of passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) plays a central role.

Ph.D. 2009. Marine Science (Fisheries Science/Crustacean Ecology), Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA [Advisor: Dr. Rom Lipcius]

M.S. 2003. Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences (Minor in Statistics), North Carolina State University, Department of Zoology, North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Raleigh, NC [Advisor: Dr. Joe Hightower]

B.S. 2000. Fisheries Science, Virginia Tech, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, College of Natural Resources, Blacksburg, VA

Keyword Tags:
Aquatic Ecosystems, Endangered Species, Fishery Resources, Freshwater Ecosystems, Migration, Suckers, Clear lake, Upper Klamath lake, PIT tags