Compilation of Information Relating to Myxozoan Disease Effects to Inform the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
Title: Compilation of Information Relating to Myxozoan Disease Effects to Inform the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
Category: Technical Report
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Updated Date: 17.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): J. L. Bartholomew, J. S. Foott
Publication Date: 2010
Focal Topic: Salmon
Location: Klamath Basin
Watershed Code: 180102
This technical report describes how myxozoan disease effects on juvenile Chinook and coho salmon are predicted to differ between the scenarios of current conditions and removal of the four Klamath project dams. We begin by summarizing what we know about the effects of myxozoan pathogens on Chinook salmon, the parasite life cycles, their distribution in the Klamath River and characteristics of the polychaete host that may be
affected by changes in river management. We then look at how the two proposed scenarios will affect each of these parameters, supporting our predictions with available data. It must be taken into account that parasite infectious dose is the primary metric that will influence disease severity. This assessment is structured to prioritize the factors we believe are most important for predicting where disease effects will occur under current conditions and where future areas of high infections might occur.
fish disease, KBRA