Ocean Ecosystem Indicators of Salmon Marine Survival in the Northern California Current

Document Details:

Title: Ocean Ecosystem Indicators of Salmon Marine Survival in the Northern California Current
Category: Technical Report
File: Peterson-et-al_2013_0280_Ocean-ecosystem-indicators-of-salmon-marine-survival-in-northern-California-Current.pdf
Updated Date: 05.06.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): William T. Peterson, Cheryl A. Morgan, Jay O. Peterson, Jennifer L. Fisher, Brian J. Burke, Kurt Fresh
Publication Date: 2013-Dec
Focal Topic: Salmon, Water Temperature
Location: United States

As many scientists and salmon managers have noted, variations in marine survival of salmon often correspond with periods of alternating cold and warm ocean conditions. For example, cold conditions are generally good for Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (O. kisutch) salmon, whereas warm conditions are not. These pages are based on our annual report of how physical and biological ocean conditions may affect the growth and survival of juvenile salmon in the northern California Current off Oregon and Washington. We present a number of physical, biological, and ecosystem indicators to specifically define the term "ocean conditions." More importantly, these metrics can be used to forecast the survival of salmon 1–2 years in advance. This information is presented for the non–specialist; additional detail is provided via links when possible.

Keyword Tags:
Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Ocean Ecosystem Indicators, Biological indicators,