U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Arcata) Listing of Technical Reports and Data Sets for the Klamath and Trinity

Document Details:

Title: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Arcata) Listing of Technical Reports and Data Sets for the Klamath and Trinity
Category: Website
External URL: https://www.fws.gov/arcata/fisheries/reportsDisplay.html
Updated Date: 10.01.2017
Author(s)/Source(s): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Date: 2017
Focal Topic: Salmon
Location: Lower Klamath, Mid Klamath, Trinity River, Scott River, Shasta River
Watershed Code: 18010209--

This website includes numerous technical reports and datasets finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Arcata Field Office. Reports include juvenile salmonid monitoring, redd surveys, habitat assessments, water temperature monitoring and modeling, emirgration monitoring, and disease studies, among numerous others, Tehcnical reports focus on the Lower Klamath, Mid-Klamath, Scott, Shasta, and Trinity watersheds.

Keyword Tags:
salmon, steelhead, lamprey